BEGIN:VCARD VERSION:3.0 PRODID:-//class_vCard from WhatsAPI//NONSGML Version 1//EN REV:2024-05-05 09:58:49 FN:Welcome N:Welcome TITLE:. ADR;type=WORK:1378 Main Street;Carbondale;CO 81623;;;; EMAIL;type=INTERNET, TEL;type=WORK,voice:+1 970-963-6600 URL;type=WORK: PHOTO;TYPE=JPG;ENCODING=BASE64:PCFET0NUWVBFIGh0bWw+CjxodG1sIGxhbmc9ImVuIj4KICA8aGVhZD4KICA8L2hlYWQ+CiAg PGJvZHk+CiAgPC9ib2R5Pgo8L2h0bWw+ GEO:39.400814056396;-107.22299957275 NOTE:COVID 19 Updates: Keeping You Safe Registered with Garfield County for our safety measures Social distancing plan, use of PPE Screening patients for symptoms Mandatory face masks Handwashing upon entry Minimal use of waiting rooms Use of all 4 of our external entrances into the building Outside waiting Outside treatment table Extra time between patients allowed for increased sanitation efforts PRC is the right choice for an exceptional Physical Therapy experience. Enjoy one-on-one sessions in a private, comfortable setting. Our skilled therapists put you first! Schedule appointments at one of our two, fully equipped private clinics. Call today! END:VCARD